Pregnancy and Pelvic Pain.

Whilst pregnancy is a wonderful and joyous time in a woman’s life, it can often cause much pain, restriction and discomfort.

Our osteopaths are highly trained to diagnose, treat and manage common pregnancy problems such as:

  • Pelvic and Groin pain,
  • Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD),
  • Hip pain,
  • Back pain,
  • Restricted movements,
  • Difficulty walking,
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Numbness in the hands and feet.

When required we are also able to measure, fit and supply a range of pregnancy specific belts and braces.

We have belly pillows in our clinic which allow you to lay face down during your treatments, in comfort until the last day of your pregnancy.

We are also trained to treat your pelvic pain after birth as well as pelvic pain not associated with any pregnancy such as:

  • Pelvic girdle dysfunction
  • Pain in the pelvic area,
  • Nerve impingement in the pelvis and legs,
  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction &
  • hip bursitis

All are common ailments we treat in our clinic every day.

We have both female and male practitioners available to help you. Let us know if you have a preference.

Don’t suffer pain any longer!

Call and book with one of our friendly Osteopaths today.

Or save time and Book Online NOW


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